Thursday, April 19, 2007

Coming Monday April 23

This Monday, April 23, the Planning Commission will do two things of interest to Page County Watch.

First, and most importantly, they will vote on whether or not to turn the issue of the Flood Plain Ordinance back to a subcommittee. This is important because currently all the members are learning what the issues are. If it's taken back to subcommittee, only a few members will hear anything about it. Next the issue comes up: who is on the subcommittee? Some say the same people who wrote it expect to be the subcommittee. In fact, some think that's a given.

But Roberts Rules of Order say NO. By Roberts Rules of Order, once the subcommittee turned in its report in the Fall of 2006, it was automatically disbanded as an entity. The Rules say that subcommittee no longer exists, and it can now go to a newly formed subcommittee.

That makes sense to me. The first subcommittee did a shameful job. They let a rabid fanatic do their work for them, and they fell under the spell of thinking they had the right to take people's property rights away in the name of personal power. Surely, it would be common sense to form a NEW subcommittee, and not turn the whole issue back to the people who caused it in the first place.

The second issue coming up Monday night is amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Guess what? The same individual who made a farce out of the Flood Plain ordinance added some choice and laughable changes to the Comprehensive Plan.

More on that later.

Hope to see you all on Monday night, April 23, at 7 p.m. in the Courthouse for the ongoing saga of . . . the Page County Planning Commission.


Unknown said...

I saw some of the changes to the Comprehensive Plan. The first plan was written by a huge committee of citizens, in 2001. This one was changed by just a few people -- definitely for the WORSE!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what the changes are that were made. Where can I find out what was changed?