Wednesday, August 8, 2007

VDOT and Business Entrances

Topic 2: VDOT’s rules for business entrances - August 7 Work Session
These are my notes, the notes of one citizen who attended. They are not minutes of the meeting. I post them here, because if you wait for the official minutes to come out, it will be October, and then if there were anything discussed that you wanted to take action about, it will be too late. If anyone was there and had a different take on what happened, just hit the Comments button and add your two cents.

Jeff Lineberry from VDOT was invited to talk to the Supervisors. The topic was: can VDOT please identify what is a requirement, versus what is an “aspiration” when they review business licenses. The problem that is arising is that it is Page County’s policy to withhold a business license until VDOT approves the application. But, VDOT is coming back with comments of things that would be “nice to have” instead of just things that are required by law. So somebody applies for a business license, and VDOT says, “Gee, it sure would be great if you would move that electric pole so it won’t line up with all the other electric poles on that section of the road”, and then Page County holds up the business license and won’t let the guy operate. Then it takes forty phone calls while everybody tries to figure out whether it’s a Virginia LAW to move the electric pole or not.

The conclusion of this was that VDOT will answer more directly, maybe.
Don’t even Comment on this, I can’t take it.

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