Tuesday, October 9, 2007

And it's "Not in My Backyard"

With not much more to say, the Town Council of Luray voted unanimously to deny Shenandoah Waste Services permission to locate in the industrial park. (See the thread "What's the Deal?")

Although some council members visited a similar facility and were disappointed, SWS maintains that the facility they visited was not as similar as they believed, and did not represent the operations that SWS is proposing.

The next move is up to the county now. SWS is currently operating in the county, and it would take a change to the zoning ordinance -- something in process in varying degrees anyway in the county -- to let it continue to operate in its current location.

Both EMCO and the DEQ are supportive of this operation.


Anonymous said...

One reason the county was chasing SWS out of its current location near Battlecreek Landfill, is that the area is not zoned for that type of business.

The county's Comprehensive Plan (that one that was passed without citizen input) says that businesses (as well as any new people) should for the most part be sort of corralled up and sent to the Town, where they won't sully the scenic beauty of the county.

Apparently the Town Council doesn't agree with the County's plan.

Now that we have our new consulting contract, perhaps the consultant can help us resolve this dilemma of where to put businesses that have truck traffic.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Council, I think you made a wise decision. Job well done.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I live in the town limits and I dont what a trash place in my town. It was bad enough when the Board of Supervisors went against what the people wanted and vote for that hole in the wall Landfill. The Council did the right thing. It would be more suitable at the landfill anyway. Who wants trash sights and different places all over the county. The county can rezone the area of the landfill and put the damn thing there. We have enough outside trash coming in to the county. And that is too much, Page County should only take care of Page County's trash and everyone else take care of their own trash. Way to go Town Council, You got it right>>>

Anonymous said...

I agree that the Luray Town Council did the right thing. I hope the county will do the right thing now and help this man get his business operating in the right place, instead of harassing him so much that he gets mad and moves away.

I think we have to recognize that if we are going to have businesses here, things like this will attract other businesses, and that will mean trucks. What is the right place for this traffic in our county? What will happen when other businesses come? Will we put them through this circus of the county wanting them to be in the town, too? Towns are for people and restaurants and stores.

County, get your own industrial park.

Anonymous said...

Alice I just read the DEQ letter a few days ago and I hardly think that the DEQ was "supportive of this operation". The DEQs is not in the buisness of supporting rezoning applications, instead they are in the role of providing oversight into regulating operations which are in need environmental permits and oversight. Period.

I have spoke with several council members, and they expressed to me a reluctance to support an operation of such magnitude located within the Town's limits. I fully agree. Maybe the operation is somewhat different than what the members of the Council visited a few months ago in NOVA in terms of recycling rates and general operations. But what does not change is the VOLUME of materials which would have needed to be delivered to and then shipped out of the proposed site. It was pointed out to me that SWS proposed operation desired to eventually process 800 tons a day at this site. I don't think people understand just how big 800 TONS is. That is huge. Think about it, the landfill is permitted to take in something like 300 tons per day.

I hope SWS can find a suitable location, but since I don't live too far from the proposed site I'm very happy the Town Council chose to deny the request. Thank you! Trash and prisons makes me very nervous.

Anonymous said...

Trash and prisons makes me very nervous.

This made me more nervous than the prison did. I think the prison would have been a much more suitable project, bringing jobs, without having to bring in 10,000 truckloads of industrial waste to do it.

Anonymous said...

My compliments to the Luray Town Council. You know it has often been said it's too bad the Luray Town Council can't operate the County as well. It seems as if the Luray Council always do things the right way. I am sure that if had been before the Board of Supervisors, they would simply listen to Belton, Baughan, and Cardman. Heck, if they told them to put this facility on the Shenandoah National Park, the Board of Supervisors would do it. Compare that to the Town Council, they don't take things on face value, they do their home work and check things out. Wow, what a unique idea go look at a similar (although perhaps not exact, but very similar) operation before rushing into approving this one, hey even more unique idea, talk to people in other areas who have been through this and get their view points. It is really a shame our County elected officials don't operate like this.

Oh and by the way, thanks Page County Economic Development for trying to place something like this in our town.

I am proud to live in Luray and very proud of my Town Council !!!

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous that the county keeps trying to push these things off on the town. First the jail, then this place. They have the whole rest of the county for this kind of stuff, and every time something comes up, they try to put it in the town.

Anonymous said...

Boo to Page County Economic Development. Do your homework next time! I knew this idea would "swim like a rock". Have you not a clue? Did you ever consider the size of this project and that it just might be an issue? Do you not know our past history with trash coming into the County? Do you even live in this community?

If Jim Turner & Larry Sours win in November I hope they will get a majority together and try to bring some new ideas to this County. The current ED director is not getting the job done and he is probably making someting like 100K a year. This is the first place we can start saving money. Stop pumping money into a position that has produced no tangible results. Maybe reclassifying the ED job all together would be a good idea?

WE can do better Page.

Anonymous said...



The blog mentioning Belton,BAUGHAN and Cardman was especially refreshing. Finally people are beginning to realize what's really wrong with this county. Does it tell us something that all our leaders(?) want to bring in here are jails and dumps? And Supervisor Strickler from district 5; how much expense account money did you hit us up for last night: a meal or two and, of course, travel time. What a breath of fresh air it will be when district 5 removes that political moocher in 2009.

Next we need to get rid of the so-called economic director - what a waste of money! And then Belton needs to go! But we can only accomplish this by voting all of the present supervisors out of office whenever we get the chance, like on Nov. 6th. Vote the parties out and the independents in whenever possible. Vote Larry Sours and Jim Turner. Larry may be a Democrat but he will listen to the people UNLIKE his opponent.

Thank you Town Council - job well done!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Cardman (the ED Director) has been in this position for around 2 years now, and yes his salary is approaching $100K and no he does not live in Page Co. he drives a County car to Harrisonburg every day. And guess what they provide him with an assistant E.D. Director, to help with what? The Town of Luray has brought more business into Page Co. than the County; guess what they don't have an ED director and staff.

What happened to the an idea discussed a few years ago, to establish the County Industrial Development authority as an Economic Development Authority with representation from each of the three towns and put the ED Director under that authority - perhapes there would be a bit more accoutability if the Towns were involved... Check out the County's Economic Development strategic plan, I believe that is what it calls for... like other consultant work, that plan seems to sit on the shelf.

Anonymous said...

yea, why not just hire a consultant to do Cardman's job? The Strickler comments are halarious, and so very true! I hope we can do better in her district next time, the questions about her expense account are shamefull...

As suggested above, I would propose we just eliminate the ED job in favor of a full time Assitand County Administrator with ED duties. I don't think there is enough work for a full-time ED person. Especially one getting paid 100 grrr and using a County car do drive back and for to his "real" home. You'd think for a 100 grrr we could get him to come over the mountain? If he lived in Page do you think he'd keep pushing jails and trash on us?

Go Jim and Larry! We need a change at the top now!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please verify. I heard that Cardman was "on the warpath" after the Luray's Council voted down SWS. Is this true?

Did he cause a scene at the meeting last night?

Anonymous said...

Alice, are you censoring comments again? bad blog administrator, bad blog administrator!

They'd love you in burma!

Page County Watch said...

No, I'm not. but sometimes I'm not home, so it takes a while for them to get posted.

Anonymous said...

I too heard Cardman was P.O. and the Luray Council meeting. But he should only be P.O.ed at himself, read the above comments they are true and I'd be willing to bet a silver dollar he isn't going to be in Page much past January 1, 2008.

Anonymous said...

Cardman and Caroll Lee are apparently big buddies. The Caverns flew them to some airport down in south west VA this week to check out hangers. Look out Town of Luray, I hear that Cardman and the County are going to ask the Town to finance the hangers since the County is too far in Debt... mark my word it's on the horizon.

I agree with the above comments regarding Economic Development. It could be outsourced. In the past the County Administrator served in that role. I understand most of Cardman's work now is acting as Belton's Asst.

I would be curious as to what Jim Turner and Larry Sours think about the current structure in the Co. I would also encourage them to talk to some people that have first hand knowledge as to the County's operations.

Anonymous said...

I would be curious as to what Jim Turner and Larry Sours think about the current structure in the Co. I would also encourage them to talk to some people that have first hand knowledge as to the County's operations.

I am curious to know why it seems so many people on this board think that the above named gentlemen, with no public service expierence whatsoever, would be better supervisors than what we have currently.

Anonymous said...

It appears to be because they're not Republicans. How did John Rust get on the Board? A Democrat, Mason Lockridge resigned. Why wasn't a Democrat chosen to replace him? It seems people have had enough of the Republicans at this point.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the "above named gentlemen" could do any worse than what we have now. Really.

Anonymous said...

In answer to your question, why do we thing they would be better? Because maybe just maybe they will listen to thier constituients and use some common sense when approaching some of these issues.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Page's ED director,but from past experience I can tell you that most ED Directors generally have short-lived lives and hop from job to job...mostly due to the pressure associated with the job.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend at the council meeting Tuesday night and saw Dr. Cardman (Ed) director and Ms.Strickler supervisor district 5 get up and walk out in pure disrespect to the council. It was also very bad to show this type of behaviour when about 10 students from Luray High school gov. class was there to review how gov. was suppose to operate. I am sure this made a good impression on them. Woe to the county, bad decision. Next time do not put our council in this position.Now how many jobs has Mr. Cardman brought to Page County in the past three years? I know of one his asst. and she quit. Strike three for Dr. Cardman.
He will be gone by 1-1-08 with Mr. Belton. Now we can save a bunch of money. How about $200,000+ for starters.

Anonymous said...

I was sort of jesting when I suggested Economic Development could be outsourced - well since Page seems to outsource everything else, why not ED too???

Anonymous said...

why am i not surprosed that Carol Lee was the first person to jump on a plane for "official" County business?

I'd like for someone to do a FOIA on that venture (if ture) to see how much she bilked the County for on that useless venture...

Page County Watch said...

All it takes to do a FOIA is to call the county office at 743-4142 and say you would like to have a copy of Ms. Stricklers expense account for the trip to wherever that was. You might have to send your request in writing, and include your name and address, but anybody, anytime is allowed to see those records.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Belton is Lafrance's lap dop. And being that LaFrance is the Chairman, he probably doesn't have much of a choice.

I wouldn't think too much about Cardman, I've been in the County for 20 (+) years and it is true his likes don't last very long. For many reasons, And if it is true that he is making a fool of himself in public settings, then he'll be here even shorter.

Love the blog Alice, keep it up! What a great forum!

Anonymous said...

The E.D. function should be outsourced, or a part time position at the most. Like someone mentioned before the County Administrator held that dual role in the past -

When Charles Ballard was County Administrator he was successful in bringing EMCO into the County - I checked out the Economic Dev. Strategic Plan for the county (it's on the website under economic development). It looks like Jerry Schiro pulled that together when he was there. By the way, it doesn't read like the County is following it's own strategic plan.

I know both Ballard and Schiro made a lot less money than Belton -where is he with this stuff - maybe it's because they were in the office full time, they had time to do these things. I understand Mr. Belton is gone alot.

Anonymous said...

Part time ED position sounds about right;

That would easily save the County 60K a year. Maybe Page County could then take that money and put it towards making the Luray Airport the next Dulles International?

Or spend it on some fancy consultant?

Hmmmm, What could we study next?

Do we have a current assesment of Bovine Methane Emmissions levels in the County? Maybe we could hire a consultant to "cut and copy" a report on that for us for around 100K or something?

Could you imagine the pretty pictures and fancy charts that would be in a study like that? It would be the best dust collector at the County office complex.

Excuse the sarcasm, living in Page County has a way of doing that do a man.

Anonymous said...

Sarcasm not withstanding, I agree we should take that extra money and give it to Powell Markowitz for the airport. He is always begging for MORE and what does the county get.....NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Very true remark about Powell Markowitz and also the remark previously about "pumping money into something" that produces nothing of value to the citizens of Page County. Since the 1970s the county and the town have paid 1% each for operating costs. In over three decades, how much money does that amount to and what exactly have the "town" citizens and the "county" citizens received in return. How many more decades can they keep begging grant money which comes via the taxpayers.

They say:

Give us more money and we will make it pay off..just wait and see.
We need room to grow...just wait and see.
We need more planes parked here in order to get grant money to help our community...just wait and see.
Help us to help you...just wait and see.

Wellll, we're still waiting and we ain't seeing nothing but a playground for adult boys who try to justify taking more and more from us and walking away with all the marbles. This county has got to stop catering to them once and for all and do some checking before allowing anymore money to go to Markowitz and his flyboys.