Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Ongoing Saga

I know you're all just dying to hear what happened at the Board of Supervisors meeting tonight.
We had a lot of people there. We had a great showing and a lot of really good speeches and serious citizen comments.

When we were done talking, the Supervisors decided to go on a Retreat, so they could consider what should be done with the Comprehensive Plan. And they didn't like the two options they had with the motion re: the Flood Plain Ordinance. The options were to accept the motion to end debate until there were definitive maps or to reject the motion and send it back to the Planning Commission. So they decided to consider that after they decided what to do about the Comprehensive Plan on their retreat.

I kid you not.

That's what happened.

Push the Comments button and VENT.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Hoke seems to have forgotten which district he represents.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, it sounds like you were there to see it! Mr. Hoke, in fact, was the first person to jump up and say that he was not ready to drop this. While Mr. Hoke told us a few weeks ago that all he needed was a letter from the state saying we were in compliance, at the meeting, that was no longer what he needed. Now he's completely backpedaling and saying he has to consider if just making a few minor changes would fix it.

Honestly . . . it's getting fishier and fishier. One might start to wonder what the underlying reason is for this irrational behavior.

Anonymous said...

I personally am not suprised in the least, the board has been sending hints that they were not going to persue the flood plain issue,but it was anything but that at the mtg. tuesday night , and if you notice they are dancing around the comp. plan also ,these mysterious behaviors is what spawns the notion of hidden agends and special interest groups, do not take your eye off the ball for a second this amendment is as alive as it ever was

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

OK - if the State did not send a letter to Page County which stated that our Flood Ordinance had to be revised to meet State standards, then we should have a sanctioned State representative out here to EXPLAIN to us and PROVE to us that no letter was sent, and that SOMEONE is lying to us.

Why hasn't that happened?

Give us something in writing - email would be fine. A verified email is just as valid as a paper letter that was signed by someone's hand - check it out with the US Postmaster.

To quote eric: Honestly . . . it's getting fishier and fishier. One might start to wonder what the underlying reason is for this irrational behavior.

And I DO wonder what's going on. Get involved, people, and do it NOW. I am. Gotta read up on a few things, and check out some "official" biographies and such, and then it's time to play "Is Big-Money Your Daddy?"

Page County Watch said...

Teri, we, Page County Watch, were originally told that the state sent a letter saying our ordinance was not in compliance, and that was the reason it was being redone. ONLY when we sent in a Freedom of INformation Act request to see the letter, did we find out that the letter was written in February of 2005, and it says the NEW proposed flood plain ordinance is what is not in compliance, and our ORIGINAL ordinance IS in compliance. The state letter is posted on the Page County Watch main site, under Documents, Flood Plain, State Letter

We, Page County Watch, called the author of the letter at the state, and called the current person in charge of the county's business. They all verified that the current ordinance is in compliance.

Mr. Hoke walked around saying he "wanted a letter from the state", but he never asked his county staff to go get one for him. We volunteered to go get it for him, and he refused our offer.

So, yes, it does sound to ME like there is a fox in the hen house with Mr. Hoke. I don't know why.

But if there is a way to find out why, I will find out. And when I find out, EVERYBODY will find out.

You can get lots of documents on our site under the Flood Plain item.

Alice Richmond

Anonymous said...

I have property for sale on the river and we can't close the deal because buyers say they want to wait to find out how this turns out. It's been going on since last Christmas, people have sent them piles of letters explaining all the implicaitons, and they still can't decide? I can't understand what there is to think about at some retreat. If they haven't read it and thought about it by now, I don't know what they're going to do at a retreat. Do they think they're just going to make a few minor adjustments? The proposed ordinance doesn't even MEET the state requirements. Do they think THEY can make it do that? This is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that there have been only a few voices supporting the Comprehensive Plan and the change to the floodplain ordinance? You would think that if it were a good thing there would be a lot of people showing up at the Board and Planning Commission meetings trying to convince them it was a good thing. Did anyone notice that a Planning Commissioner, who later tried to alibi his actions, waltzed into the last Board meeting holding hands with Ms. Zuckerman? Talk about buttboy! The plot thickens!

Page County Watch said...

OMG! I sure didn't see the hand holding thing. That is downright creepy.

There has got to be a way to figure out what is going on here. SOMEBODY must know in this county. I hope everybody will spread the word to everyone you know and try to find out all the history.


Anonymous said...

Chris -- the only people who spoke FOR it were the three people who wrote it -- Natalie, and the two Planning Commissioners she has in her pocket, Paul Otto and Charles Newton.

Notice the audience didn't applaud when they spoke, and they applauded for everybody else.

Kim said...

Wow. My first thought was, “typical politicians”; however, most politicians are more competent in hiding their back-door deals.

While the details may be unknown (for the moment), it’s seems very clear on it’s face that there has been a payoff/bribe/exchange of money (call it what you will) and that the supervisors are in a panic as to what to do about it. They have been exposed and they know it. There is no other logical conclusion to explain their actions.

“Retreat” indeed.

Does anyone know where this “retreat” will be? Who will be attending this “retreat” (both off and on the books)? Who will be paying for this “retreat” (hhhmmm…more taxpayer money wasted?)? Will the hoi polloi be allowed to attend any of the meetings at this “retreat”? Will the briber be there with the bribees? Will Mrs. Kravitz….er…Ms. Zuckerman be attending this “retreat”?

Bottom line…people have been bribed and the supervisors are now running to the hills to try to figure out how to hide his/her/their illegal actions.

They thought they were dealing with fools. They thought we could be easily pushed aside. They thought they had mollified us into a victorious, gluttonous coma. They were seriously mistaken.

I now have to goals: 1) The death of this insane flood plane ordinance that will only serve to bankrupt this county; and 2) the exposure of all the blatant, illegal activity followed by appropriate legal action.

No other conclusion will suffice.

Page County Watch said...

Kim, we have found out that the retreat will be in Skyland in mid June, and it will just be one day, a weekday. We can attend. As soon as we get the details, we will post them on the site and email them to everybody on our newslist.