Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Following Alice Down the Rabbit Hole

Following Alice Down the Rabbit Hole
(Guest Blog)

You know folks, last night’s show at the Planning Commission really wasn’t much when you think about it. It was so flawed that what the Zoning Committee does or doesn’t do really is of no consequence. The Board of Supervisors should be embarrassed, just as the honest folks on the Planning Commission and county staff appeared to be last night.

While I do not profess to be a parliamentarian, when read in plain English, Robert’s Rules seem pretty clear to me.

First, there is Article IV, Section 21. Incidental Motions. In the second paragraph it reads “The question of order must be raised at the time the breach of order occurs, so that after a motion has been discussed it is too late to raise the question as to whether it was in order or for the chair to rule the motion out of order. The only exception is where the motion is in violation of the laws, or the constitution, by-laws, or standing rules of the organization, or of the fundamental principles of parliamentary principles, so that if adopted it would be null and void. This is called raising a question, or point, or order, because the member in effect puts to the chair, whose duty it is to enforce order, the question as to whether there is not now a breach of order.” Don’t think that happened! What was Ms. Donato thinking? Is there such a thing as a retroactive "point of order?” I don't think so.

Second, there is Article VI, Section 40. Dilatory, Absurd or Frivolous Motions. The very nature of this potion of Roberts’ Rules is to protect the parliamentary process from continued renewal of issues like the floodplain ordinance.

Third, there is Article VIII, Section 46. Voting. Paragraph 9 reads “A member has the right to change his vote up to the time the vote is finally announced. After that, he can make the change only by permission of the assembly, which may be given by general consent; that is, by no member’s objecting when the chair inquires if any one objects. If objection is made, a motion may be made to grant the permission, which motion is undebatable.” Nothing like what is suggested above occurred during last evening’s show. Also please note that the chair may entertain the motion. The word “may” is permissive not mandatory.

And lastly, the so called "vote" on a matter of great importance was manipulated without notice to the public. Duh!

Poor Ms. Donato was duped into her action. It is ironic that some of the best friends she could have in pursuit of good things for this county were right in front of her, sitting in the audience, and she chose to slap them in the face. It is too bad she fell for the nonsense her disreputable colleagues fed her, embarrassing herself as well as those honest and capable folks on the Planning Commission and county staff, who were not participating in this ruse.

Let the Zoning Committee meet their little hearts out, whenever and wherever they want. If you give them enough time, they may even be able to get it right. If I understand correctly, it took three years for them to produce the first floodplain ordinance abortion. If the same monkeys bang on word processors for an infinite amount of time, eventually they will produce another work of fiction to waste more of the county’s time. PCW has already wasted enough time on this silliness. Let the monkeys play with themselves, as it were.

Time to move on to things that matter!

(This is A Guest Blog by An Anonymous Page County Watch Blogger)
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Page County Watch said...

Thank you, Guest Blogger! I was so stunned last night, at the sheer disrespect for the citizens, that I couldn't think straight.

Ms. Donato offered her explanation for why she was "changing her vote" five weeks after the vote was over. Her explanation was that she wanted to take this opportunity, now that all of these citizens were involved, to really get at the flood plain "issues", with the public and the commission working together.

There's a slight problem with taking an opportunity by sneaky and manipulative means. The problem is: the public you want involved has the option to choose not to take the opportunity WITH you.

You see, you can't hold a meeting with the citizens if the citizens don't come. Page County Watch (which in this case means me) isn't going to publicize these particular meetings for you. I am not going to send out emails with the date and time, and I am not going to post the date and time on this website. You'll have to publicize them yourself, Ms. Donato and Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Newton and Mr. DeSerio and Mr. Otto, if you want citizens to come.

If, on the other hand, you just want to continue to play amongst yourselves, drinking your same old Karst topography bathwater, telling each other your same tired half-truths and platitudes, then . . .have it at.

At least it will keep a group of people who appear to be harmful to the economic health of the county, busy, and prevent them from doing something else that would hurt our citizens.

When you folks have an end product ready . . . that's when you'll hear from us.

So, in the words of a timeless Golden Oldie . . .

Churn, Baby, Churn

Alice Richmond

Anonymous said...

actually, i would suggest that the County do away with all this committee business all together. it only confuses things, and issues that should be deceided by the full commmission are pawned off on a few members...seems silly...

but, poor dot, she's so confused. I think the public should continue to put the pressure on BOS members to appoint quality folks to these boards. thought she might not mean any harm, she's woefully unprepared for the dutues before her...

Page County Watch said...

I agree. I almost feel bad for her, and I probably would sympathize, if it weren't for the fact that I knew she had my phone number, she shared a cup of coffee with me, and she knew she could have called and talked if there were something she were unsure about. So I lost my sympathy when I saw that she chose to be sneaky instead of being confused openly.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Donato’s unfortunate nodding acquaintance with integrity is disappointing to say the least. Perhaps she has been infected by her proximity to those on the commission who are integrity-challenged. It seems Ms. Donato has deluded herself into believing that by attempting to recant her “vote” there will be an overwhelming urge by the citizens she has betrayed to participate in yet another farce. Surely, Ms. Donato can’t be so self-absorbed. To have that expectation of the very people she has helped jerk around for the last six months is the height of foolishness. What Ms. Donato has accomplished, however, is to further tarnish the image of the Planning Commission. No small task! Once again, the bizarre, inexplicable actions of the commission look and smell bad.

Page County Watch said...

I have since heard that Ms. Donato's rescinded vote and Mr. Newton's subsequent motion to coopt the Flood Plain Ordinance were actions determined to be unallowable by the county attorney, Mr. Shanks. Reasonable people, five of whom are on the Planning Commission, deserve our future support. Many would say nothing happened here, so it should be forgotten. It's over, and all is back to where it was before this tear in the fabric of the universe.

I say, however, we learned something from this experience. We learned that there are five people appointed to that commission whose disrespect for the citizens of this county is so deeply ingrained that they think it is acceptable to attain their goals through sneaky and manipulative means.

The judge declared the action unallowable, but the jury still heard the words. You can't unring that bell.

Let's hope that bell didn't just ring, it tolled.

Bong, Ms. Donato
Bong, Mr. Newton
Bong, Mr. Eldridge
Bong, Mr. Otto
Bong, Mr. DeSerio

There is no problem with disagreeing with citizens. There is a problem with attempting to pull something over on them. You specific five people have something to apologize for, and methods of behavior to amend.

We, Page County Watch, will hold up the mirror for you to reflect. Hopefully, next time you won't try to walk through it.

Alice Richmond