Saturday, June 2, 2007

Meet the Republicans

Meet the Republicans

Before I tell you about Meeting the Republicans, I should tell you I’m a lifelong Democrat. But regardless of our party affiliation in a Democracy, we choose who we vote for one by one. That’s what I was doing when I went to the Republican meeting.

There was a very nice event at the Bridge Theater behind Brown’s Restaurant last night. The Republican candidates for local office invited the public to have a social evening, a buffet, an open bar, and listen to some campaign speeches. Each candidate for office stood up and said why they would be a good choice. It wasn’t just a night for Republicans to come. It was for any citizen who wanted to meet the candidates and know what they stood for. Republican, Democrat, or Independent, on the local level, we vote for the person, not the party. It’s a small town. You can know who’s running, and you should. When you know the person, the party won’t matter.

Every candidate had their little speech, and I have to say, every one was impressive. Maybe even endearing. Well, okay, maybe Charlie Campbell was a little on the boring side, but he’s the Commissioner of Revenue, so what can you say? So far, nobody’s come out to run against Charlie. There’s no Democrat running against him, and the deadline for Independents is June 12. My only personal experience with Charlie is that I heard him ask the Board of Supervisors to give him a person who could monitor and supervise the appraisals, so the consultants couldn’t make mistakes that were not caught. That sounded like a good thing. I also heard him ask the Board for an approval to let Internet businesses have licenses. That also sounded like a good thing. So everything I’ve seen with my own two eyes says this man is doing his job. I’m one of those “imports” so maybe I don’t know much. All I know is what I see, and so far, that’s what I see. I see Charlie Campbell as a Thumbs Up. I can be wrong. I’m reporting what I saw.

Grayson Markowitz . . . fabulous speech. The kind of speech you know he practiced for hours before he gave it. Great delivery. Excellent body language and tone. Total sincerity. If I had to sum it up, I’d say, “Grayson said, you’ve known me as a man of integrity for all these years, you’ve seen that I work hard and I’m honest and I’m fair and I’m true to my word, and I’m going to keep on being that.” Geez. What more could a person say? I know, as an “import”, that when I needed a washing machine and dryer, Grayson didn’t just put it in, he adjusted it and fiddled with it until it was just right. When my refrigerator was broken, he fixed it. When I was looking for a freezer, he discussed the merits of various options with me. I have to tell you, folks, you do not get that in the city. If you know a man who has shown over the years that he will respond when you call, he will treat you with respect, he will consider issues with a sense of integrity, and he will work for your interests . . . you can elect a man like that to anything. I almost wondered whether Grayson wanted to run for President, but the field is getting pretty crowded, what with Fred Thompson entering. So Grayson Markowitz sounded like a winner to me.

Understand, folks, I don’t know Ron Wilson, the Democratic candidate, and the incumbent. I’m just telling you that I, personally, was deeply impressed with Grayson’s presentation. I believe that in a democracy, we have to look at both or all candidates and compare them, and then make our choice. I’m only telling you what I saw last night, and I was WOWed. I absolutely want to also look at Ron Wilson’s presentation. Voters need to do that. Look at all the choices, and then decide. We’ll do that in these columns, over time. But right now, last night, I saw Grayson Markowitz and I was deeply moved. To me, this was democracy as Thomas Jefferson envisioned it. A fine man, a member of the community, with a proven record, offering to “serve” in public office.

Next. Sheriff Daniel Presgraves. I can not describe how impressed I am with that man’s record and his presentation. Sheriff Presgraves has accomplished major objectives in this county. This I know for sure. When a person does a lot, that same person comes under a lot of criticism. Since the big controversy started, I’ve been asking people to tell me what it is that Danny has done wrong. Specifically, not in general “oh, he’s a bad guy” terms. I’ve been a person who has done a lot in the past. I know what kind of criticism emerges from that. All I saw last night was a guy with a long list of achievements. Guys with long lists of achievements, do generate enemies here and there. It’s like a Law of Physics or something.

Now, there are people running against Danny, and I will also look into them, and post their presentations. But I’m telling you right now, from what I can see, Re-elect Sheriff Presgraves signs are going to be posted in my yard, and Presgraves bumper stickers are going on my car. The objective record is too clear, and the rumor record is too unsupported by detail or fact.

That doesn’t mean I’m right. It means I’m participating in the political process. And you should, too. We live in a small place. You can know these people you are electing, and you need to do that.

More. We have three Board of Supervisors up for election.

District 2. John Rust. John is the incumbent, running against Larry Sours, the Democratic candidate. I truly wish John Rust would come out and say, “I’m against the Flood Plain Ordinance.” I cannot understand why he will not. And believe me, I have asked him to do so. BUT, I’m reluctant to suggest that he is NOT against the flood plain ordinance.

Trust me, to NOT be against the flood plain ordinance would be a ‘CHECK YOU OFF’ offense, in my book.

The reason I can’t check John Rust off is because if we get to the specifics, he is against all the bad stuff, and for all the good stuff. I just can’t understand why that doesn’t translate into the simple act of stating that the proposed flood plain ordinance needs to be dropped. If he would just read the thing, that would be the conclusion. Nobody could read that document without being incensed, so we have to conclude he still hasn’t read it. This is understandable, considering how obtuse it is, but it is not really excusable, considering how critical it is.

I’m failing to check him off because I’m thinking just maybe, he doesn’t like the idea of being pressured to answer a certain way without coming to his own careful conclusion. You can’t blame a person for not wanting to be pressured into an answer. That wouldn’t be right, either. You have to start with an assumption that people are acting to their own best integrity. In truth, I think that is usually, and most often, the case. Usually, the people you are talking to are making every attempt to answer with their own best integrity. Not always. But Usually.

So John Rust is still a “Jury’s Out” with me. He won’t answer directly on the Flood Plain Ordinance. He implies, he impugns, he dances around. But he doesn’t come right out and say it. So I can’t answer directly on him.

I can tell you that Larry Sours doesn’t have any problem saying “the flood plain ordinance is a bunch of silliness that should not be taking up all this time”

But maybe John is just a careful thinker and careful actor. That happens. We’ll see on June 14, at the Retreat. Residents of District 2 . . . I’ll tell you as soon as I know.

District 3. J D Cave. J D is not the incumbent. Charles Ballard is the incumbent, but he has taken ill, and can not continue his duties. J D was formerly the radio personality on the Friday morning SpeakOut. J D stood up and said he would always tell the truth, and he had expectations for himself and his constituents. A fine speech. A solid entry. And, most importantly to me, J D is against the flood plain ordinance. That was tongue in cheek, actually. It is most importantly to me, but it is also important that he present as a person who cares about the people in the county and will represent their interests. This all seems solid and stable and good to me. J D presents as and appears to be a good man, a solid candidate, and a fine representative. J D is running against Jim Turner, an Independent. Jim Turner is also a good candidate. Jim Turner is also against the flood plain ordinance. And where I live, that’s what counts. So this would be a real toss up. Luckily, I don’t live in District 3, so I will never have to make that choice.

District 4. Gerald Cubbage. Gerald Cubbage seems to me to be the quintessential local farmer. The man who represents Page County’s roots. As much as Gerald Cubbage is the standard of the “home boy”, I am the standard of the “import”. I am the Boomer who has come here to retire. Gerald is the farmer who represents generations of locals. Yet, we have a lot in common. Even though I only have a little plot of land to build my house, I brought my children here to that little plot, for twenty years. My boys grew up here. Their weekends were spent on this river. And when they grew up and left home, my husband and I decided it would be best for us to move here, so that our children could bring their children to the place they remembered growing up. It is these family values that Gerald Cubbage and I share. We both delight in our families and their relationship with the land. My land happens to include the river. Gerald’s land is far more extensive than mine. But he can see the tie. So he has no trouble saying, “let these people live their lives, and butt out” Gerald had no trouble saying that he saw the flood plain issue as one of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”

Are you tired of hearing about the Flood Plain yet? Think of it this way. It’s home. If someone threatened your home, you would be as passionate to chase them away, too. Our point is: this is like the Germans and the Jews. If you stand by and let someone threaten our homes today, it will be your homes tomorrow. So far, Gerald Cubbage, and J D Cave, on the Republican side, have clearly declared that they will not take our homes.

John Rust, Charlie Hoke, Carol Lee Strickler, and Tommy LaFrance have not made that declaration.

If you press them, they will say they would never do such a thing.

So why won’t they end the Flood Plain Ordinance change now? It has nothing else in it, as it stands. What “good parts” are they waiting to uncover? Why don’t they just read it and end the pain?

One cannot hide behind a process, when the homes of constituents have been threatened.

Stay tuned to Page County Watch for more on the elections and their process. AND. . .

Go ahead and BLOG by pushing the Comments button.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info PCW. It is good to know who those people are who will stand up for the citizens of this county. More importantly, it is good to know who won't.

Anonymous said...

WOW, Alice! You wrote this story at 1:51AM. I am duly impressed. That's real dedication and I must say we enjoyed having you at the event. I hope your group was able to mingle and meet all candidates and other party officials. As you say, at the local level Republicans and Democrats are pretty much the same. Keep up the great work and keep watching for Page County.

Anonymous said...

if anyone has any reservations about where John Rust is on the flood plain ordinance, I suggest that they visit page county's websiteand look at the mtg. minutes from 12-19-2006 and they will see , John says he is 100% in favor of the flood plain ordinance as do others Ballard , Hoke. And as for the reference of imports , I will make one point clear I will stand against anyone import or native that tries to take one more of my rights away, this statement is coming not as a page countian but an AMERICAN.

Anonymous said...

if anyone has any reservations about where John Rust is on the flood plain ordinance, I suggest that they visit page county's websiteand look at the mtg. minutes from 12-19-2006 and they will see , John says he is 100% in favor of the flood plain ordinance as do others Ballard , Hoke. And as for the reference of imports , I will make one point clear I will stand against anyone import or native that tries to take one more of my rights away, this statement is coming not as a page countian but an AMERICAN.

Anonymous said...

In regard to Grayson, and constitutional officers in general, if you do your job well, and serve the public adequately - incumbents should be ok, most of the time. Though Grayson runs a super appliance store, I for one, do not see the connection between running a Clerk's office and an appliance store...well, if there are some similarities I'm sure they are coincidental (like both are jobs, you get paid), but let's face it, if you vote for Grayson it not because you think he will be a super public administrator (which he may very well be); instead you are voting for a "team", period.

When it comes to local elections, I tend to shy away from the dogma of party politics, therefore I tend to take umbrage to individuals/candidates who play to party allegiences...(think Mark Obenchain on the County Court House steps indorseing a Page County Clerk of Court me silly...)

Danny, now that's a great story...Yes, he is charming and a nice enough guy, but I have felling come November he will have much more to worry about than being reelected to the Sheriff's office....I'll leave it at that...

Page County Watch said...

Whoa, Jim, Thank You! I didn't see that in the Flood Plain minutes before, but now I've looked it up and THERE IT IS. The exact quote is:

"Supervisor Rust mentioned that the Board was prepared to move forward with the proposed revised ordinance. He noted his concern with the amount of misinformation among the public. He said he is 10% in favor of the Floodplain Management Ordinance and the Board has made suggestions for changes to the Planning Commission. The major concern with the floodplain is safety."

You see why we need a lot of eyes on this. Stuff like this can slip by if we don't get a lot of people watching.

For those of you who don't know . . ..Supervisor Rust is the owner of Yogi Bear Campground. This ordinance would harm the tourist cabins, which are competition to his campground.
Not suggesting that would be his motivation. But perhaps I am suggesting it is time for him to recuse himself from the vote.

Page County Watch said...

Sorry, I made a typo. The correct quote is "100% in favor" not "10% in favor".

Anonymous said...

I recall Mr. Rust stating at the last BOS meeting something to the effect that to him everyone seemed to be after the same thing. Egad! I doubt that the majority of the folks at the meeting and up and down route 340 would agree that trampling on their property rights is a good thing and should be pursued. Does Mr. Rust really believe that the few people who were responsible for the objectionable language in the amended comprehensive plan and the floodplain ordinance changes are in any way representative of the people of this county as a whole? It is impossible to understand why Mr. Rust continues to remain evasive when virtually all other candidates are saying they oppose the floodplain ordinance change. Surely he must see his re-election hopes circling the bowl.

Page County Watch said...

Fu Man Chu . . . thanks for your comments. I do want to make it clear that this website is not endorsing any person for office. We are only opening public debate. We will add a section to the main website, and perhaps some more Blog sections, so that every single candidate will have his own forum to present his or her case to the public.

Page County Watch said...

Chris, I've gotten so upset now that Jim pointed out that stuff in the minutes, I'm planning to open up some new Blog sections and some new election stuff on the main site. I also want to expand our coverage here of exactly what that Comprehensive Plan says. MORE will be coming on this. THANK YOU for being involved.

Anonymous said...

It could also be that Mr. Rust is simply an astute political guy and is intentionally allowing political drama to build so that he can somehow emerge the hero finally coming to his senses and saying, "You know this stuff is pretty dumb after all. Let’s figure out how to do the right thing by the people of this county." I am a admitted political moron so go easy on me folks.