Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Donato Document DRAFT

The following document is presented to citizens for comment, editing, and augmenting IN ADVANCE of it being presented before any commission or Board for action. This document was prepared by Planning Commissioner Dot Donato. Essentially, Ms. Donato is asking for citizen comment, as an apology for her ill-considered "vote rescinsion" that would have revived the Flood Plain Ordinance. She says she did not mean to do that, she just wanted citizen participation and involvement, and didn't want to lose the opportunity now that everyone was paying attention and getting involved. This document is what she meant to do instead. Please read it and comment, by hitting the Comments button. Now is our chance to be involved before things get out of hand and become "too late." This document has NOT been submitted to the Board. Please comment now, and your comments have an excellent chance of making a difference.

The Donato Document - DRAFT

Dear Board:

Following numerous discussions with citizens on the Scenic 340 group and the cabin and landowners in Land of Luray, I am finding consensus on the following proposal. Please read the attached and consider a motion to establish a committee to discuss and prepare a Strategic Plan detailing issues specific to Destination Tourism.

The Comprehensive Plan currently under review includes a set of Objectives. It sets a broad vision for those elements of valley life that should be primary in our planning. Separately we provide goals to promote and protect the rural and natural environments, economic balance, citizen services levels, property rights and the general term, tourism. To base planning criteria on the Plan with these objectives is certain to leave room for confusion and inconsistency. I suggest we augment the Comp. Plan with a supplemental Addendum with specific guidelines for tourism industry group factors. For instance, clearly define the building and zoning criteria, which may need variance or special use tactics to enable the building of mountain and river cabins, lodges, recreational facilities, ingress and egress, and other considerations. Encouraging public visitation to many areas of the County may require different allowances that are not in compliance with our standard zoning ordinances. It may be preferable to establish land use particulars for overlay districts for those areas we define as “destinations”.

The suggestion here is to discuss, define, and write a document, which will review as many scenarios as possible by a diverse group of professionals and present the document to the BOS for acceptance into the Comprehensive Plan. Use of the Economic Development Strategic Plan as the guiding document is also suggested.

Thank you for your time in reviewing and discussion this. A description and supportive documentation is provided.


Dot Donato, Planning Commissioner D5

Move to Appoint:

Please consider a motion to establish:

A nucleus of visionaries who are diverse in talent and who are, by intellect, experience or position, aware of the challenges facing the Board of Supervisors. One objective in the Comprehensive Plan (rewrite draft 2007) defines Tourism as an economic engine. This citizen committee will work in concert with the Planning Commission in an attempt to provide more detail specific to the growing Tourism industry. The accepted Economic Development Strategic Plan will guide the process. The purpose of the document will be to integrate the objectives found in the ED Plan, the EDC, the Tourism Council/Chamber goals, the incorporated towns and the local/regional hospitality groups. The committee will address policy, ordinances and objectives desired and required by destination owners. This guiding document should support the Board of Supervisors in the future by providing an assessment of a variety of special use facilities (destinations) and the resulting revenue projections for each. This will serve as a resource for determining service levels for our CIPs and models.

The citizens of Page will have many opportunities to suggest input to the overall vision for the county. This group will lead forums for comment and discussion that will be very open and inclusive. Considerable effort will be taken to include the planners, the Board, the industry, property owners and citizens who may be affected by design or policy changes. Public reaction will be documented and included in a final draft.

Expected results will include a structured plan for review, inclusion and implementation. Statements of vision for a tourist friendly community will give us the words to be shared universally. Descriptions of the valley’s unique environments with emphasis on attracting tourism industry prospects will be drafted. The document will provide criteria and provisions for use in the Zoning rewrite process and the Land Use planning process specific to tourism destinations.


We are an island (a unique and separate travel destination). Beyond the Caverns and the National Parks, the recognition of Page County as a destination lies in the vision we project. Potential visitors read the local paper, study the area on the Internet, or more than likely ask someone they know about the county. Our byways separate us from the mainstream destinations along major routes so visitors have to choose to come here. A negative result of limited access is the limited job market. Small business owners also need to have incentive before investing in a site for their retail or service shop. If we can take advantage of preparing the economic climate for business success we will benefit from a growing employment base, a very desirable result for this county.

Each tourist has huge potential to become part of our expansion. Tourists are much more that spectators. Tourists are you and I coming here for the first time. I seek out music in the park and invitations to sing. Does the conference or the river attract you? Tourists see what we offer them, they go where we suggest they go, but they come here to experience themselves. I am here to participate and you certainly are involved in the community. The secret key to travelers becoming our valuable asset is in the level of their participation. The business traveler becomes the landowner who builds rental cabins who provides tours who sends guests to the restaurants in town who, in the end, pays taxes. The annual guest to the caverns decides to purchase a farm and then retires here. He may be a great musician or a philanthropist giving back invaluable gifts to our citizens. Preparing for tourism is not simply distributing a brochure full of enchanting photos, it requires patience and planning. We can discourage a new landowner by rejecting their applications or making it impossible to live out a dream. The opportunity is now to define our future recreation and destinations and invite the dreamers who protect our environment and history. We welcome the right industry by paving the way for those businesses that are appropriate. Generic ordinances are, in the long run, shortsighted. Our landscape varies widely and the right rules need to be assigned (using overlay districts) to accommodate bus tours and individuals.

Impact and direction

A Plan is the work that is done in advance of the outcome. In the case of tourism it is the preparation that we will do in advance of each visit. The Comp. Plan recognizes the need to promote and encourage Tourism. We need to study closely the cause and effect of our current policies and recommend changes. Many of the rental cabin owners and the riverside property owners want to participate in this work. Additionally, our community consists of a very diverse body of people, all of whom desire to be heard. Everyone has an interest in directing the future of the valley. Some have a vested interest some have a legacy to protect. Everyone should have a say and this work group will provide forums and open air gatherings where ideas will be shared.

Items for discussion will include: building specifications and codes; zoning ordinances, VDOT regulations and exceptions, alternative energy applications; passive solar, wind, subterranean building, non-electric septic solutions and lighting exceptions, green building materials etc. Recreation issues both water and mountains. A discussion of finding areas conducive to extreme sports and cycling may influence a new industry here. There are numerous critical issues to share and we hope to initiate the conversation and the groundwork to enable us to grow our destination offerings and our revenue base.

Vision for the future.

This valley has the potential for being recognized as a global leader. How you ask?
Consider our valley as an incubator and study area for new technology and innovative global initiatives. The federal government is looking for a site for a multi billion dollar electric plant, which will provide enough energy for half of the east coast. This is a project by the energy department that is the first complete life cycle (no emissions) plant. Think of the tourist who would be invited to see this “global warming solution”. Consider the evolving research for alternative bio-products. For fuel, for food and for self-sustaining communities around the world, the universities are looking for places to grow plants. Expand the Land Use program to encourage young people to live and work here.

A recent story has been published about a Columbia University group who sent low cost fertilizer to a few African villages who continually suffered food shortages. They sent a derivative of chicken litter. The renewable fertilizer was a huge success. We have chickens (sustainable) and the bi-product already in production in Page. Federal grants are available for environmental, clean water and global warming solutions we just need to attract those tourist/scientist/decision makers for a visit. Of course Dr. Cardman can show them where their innovation can take root. We’ll set the course and the great people will come. This attraction to cutting edge businesses will provide a unique tourism industry base and will provide much needed high-end jobs. Our citizen base increases and our knowledge base grows.

There is much concern in the County that growth will ruin our culture and destroy our lifestyle. We all share this concern because we have many examples in surrounding localities. We see the results of uncontrolled development. This trepidation temps us to interpret that concern as a need to restrict the “best and highest use” provided us in property ownership by drafting zoning regulations that generalize use and forbid any building. I interpret the growth as forces of the changing market, a force that will infiltrate the valley simply by supply and demand for homesites (the American Dream). To fight the forces of nature by universally projecting a policy of “no growth” will result in downward trends in our economy. Herein lies the challenge, the challenge of adopting a publicity piece, the Comprehensive Plan. Land owners, citizens, taxpayers have every right to opinion and position in any thoughtful land use planning. It is the current populace who connects the past with future. Change is inevitable and we need consensus in defining our vision.

There is community support for a determined effort to communicate openly. A milestone report could be delivered to the Board that at the very least provides various prospectives. There are support groups, conscious groups, industry leaders and many others who deserve the opportunity to be heard. The public forum provided by the Planning Commission meetings and the BOS meetings is failing to satisfy the involved public. This proposal will expound on the subjects heard before and allow for opinion and options based on vision of the whole. It will also generate a Strategic Plan for Destination Tourism for the Board to review and accept as an appendix to the Comp. Plan and an addendum to the Economic Development Strategic Plan.

This is the time to have these discussions. We are not the silicon valley, we are not Napa Valley….we are unique so lets find the words to describe Page.

Respectfully submitted for consideration by,

Dot Donato, Page County Planning Commissioner D5
Director, Loudoun County Convention and Visitors Bureau (1992-1997)
Executive Director, Harpers Ferry Merchants Assoc. HF, WV (1987-1991)


Anonymous said...

My feelings around this document are that there again is a lot of direction around tourism, and it is true that tourism pumps a lot of money into the county, but again nothing around industry for jobs that are desperately needed by the hard working citizens as far as I am concerned the scenic 340 group should be disolved and efforts into making rt.340 a safe and viable road for industry to come in and out of the county, how many more crosses beside the road will be enough, good goverment doesn't start with long wordy documents it start with people representing the views of the magority of the people and what they need

Page County Watch said...

The document does reference bringing in industry that is "bio-friendly", that is cutting edge environmental businesses. It doesn't emphasize that as much as I'd like, but it is part of the plan.

On the one hand, a "hands off" approach to zoning would allow market forces to operate. On the other hand, market forces turned Warrenton into a suburb!

I think our roads are the reason we don't have business here, but many people want this rural character to stay as it is, and I'm sure there are more people who want that than want market growth. BUT if we could have a themed, controlled growth, that would bring jobs for a reason, that might meet all the objectives.

I do like the idea of trying to make this a hub for environmental businesses.

I don't like an overly controlled and overly interfering government.

So what kinds of changes would we need to see to this, in order to be happy with it and want to participate?

Anonymous said...

I guess my response to that is go out and start knocking on doors ( not in rich neighborhoods) and ask your average people how much is tourism putting food on there table and paying there bills, and ask how many of there loved one have to travel a dangerous rt.340 everyday to try and make ends meet I dont believe anyone wants the county to turn into a rat race, but there is a balance and thats not being adresses and never has, but I believe change is on the horizon with some new leadership down the road, I hope for the common folks sake

Anonymous said...

Maybe I have missed something along the way. Let me see if I have gotten this correctly. Ms. Donato voted to send the current amended Comprehensive Plan to the Board of Supervisors for approval even though it was remiss in addressing the concerns of Jim and Jim Turner. It also failed to address those issues that she now wants to include in a strategic plan appended to a strategic plan that has yet another appended strategic plan. Huh! Not much strategic thinking here I am afraid.

The current amended comprehensive plan was generated by a few agenda driven people on the Planning Commission. This new strategic plan (appendix) is to be generated by a broad group of people. What is the likelihood a bigger mess will be created? I would say it would be a pretty good bet. How am I doing so far?

Also consider that Ms. Donato’s alleges that her “vote hiccup” was because she thought her culpability in the comprehensive plan and the floodplain ordinance would be ignored by the people whose very lives they threaten to shatter. And, by the way, all of this good stuff would happen in conjunction with the Planning Commission including the people who thought it was just fine to deprive people of their property rights, homes and livelihoods. I’m sorry, I just don’t get it.

Oddly, Ms. Donato’s vision for the specific element proposed is pretty much in alignment with my own, including how to go about it using a broad cross-section of the county’s citizens. As suggested above, however, it should not be an appendix but rather be considered as part of a “tweaking” of the current amended comprehensive plan by a broad group of people to insure inclusion of appropriate language representing the concerns of the two Jims as well. The group would report to the Board of Supervisors otherwise risk contamination by the bad apples on the Planning Commission. Only then will the comprehensive plan be representative of a desired direction for the county’s stakeholders.

Page County Watch said...

I communicated our comments to Ms. Donato, including my own comments that although I applauded the concept she was proposing, there were specific changes she made between the last time she and I talked about it, and the final document. Specifically, the changes she made were to de-emphasize the business encouragement aspects and to land the document squarely in the zoning subcommittee of the Planning Commission's hands. She also changed the wording to make it sound like the subcommittee would decide and the citizens comments would be "added as an addendum". I told her I would not support it unless it were a broadly based citizen committee, reporting to the Board, not a function of the zoning subcommittee of the planning commission.

Her answer was "that's fine".

So does that mean we can expect to see this show up as a surprise sneak attack motion at the next planning commission meeting? Is this the new flood plain ordinance?

Let's hope someone can call the members of the planning commission who are NOT on the zoning subcommittee and let them know this may be underway. They get blindsided by this stuff, too.

Understand, I am not suggesting that a broad base of citizens would not like to work on this. I am just saying it has to be done with the citizens as part of the committee, and reporting to the Board, not with citizens as onlookers while the Gang of Five (Eldridge, Donato, Otto, Newton, and Zuckerman) runs over our property rights.

Anonymous said...

Let’s face it, we are starting to hear more and more people saying that Dot Donato is definitely a
very “Loose Cannon”! Folks, this grand design community vision statement is just another
device to get the flood plain cleared of everything! It is obvious that it will be controlled by
those very same enviro wackos that came up with the abortion called the Proposed Flood Plain
Ordinance. Hey, the Planning Commission Gang of Five (Eldridge, Donato, Otto, Newton, and
Zuckerman) were all appointed by the current BOS (yes Zuckerman was not appointed but she
was “anointed”). What do you think will change? Nada, and they will make it look like it had
lots of “public input” and the backing of Page County Watch. Wrong, nothing could be further
from the truth. We (PCW) are of a single mind that a discussion of such a grand scheme can’t
even take place until the Proposed Flood Plain Ordinance and the four references to the Flood
Plain Ordinance in the Comp Plan is DEAD...stone cold DEAD along with acknowledgment
from the BOS that the current Flood Plain Ordinance is in perfect compliance with State and
Federal guidelines hense there is no need for an updated Flood Plain Ordinance! Also, Dot is
proposing to tell the BOS she has the backing of Alice Richmond, the PCW.and the public for
her plan...not a chance, she has none of the above.

A side thought here, how come a member of the Planning Commission (Dot Donato) is
circumventing the entire Planning Commission (including its chairman, Johnny Woodward) and
submitting a plan for BOS consideration Ad Hoc? Does this mean anyone on the Commission
can submit their own idea of something that they think should be adopted by the BOS without
public input, discussion of the Commission, a vote by the Commission etc etc? Hey, one vote
(hers) and it’s on the way to the BOS for a vote.

The Donato proposal has many interesting aspects but also has many aspects of the abominable
Proposed Ordinance ie “special use permits etc for mountain and flood plain buildings, cabins
etc...ouch, here we go again. Having watched the special use permit thing in action at a series of
PC and POS meetings in the last few months it is clear that the bureaucratic approval process is
such so as to be an absolute impediment for anyone trying to get one much less keep it on down
the road. “Multi billion dollar electric plant”? That ought to look good right next to Battle
Creek....just to sight a few.

In short folks, first things first...death to the Proposed Flood Plain Ordinance and the four
references to the Flood Plain Ordinance in the Com Plan and then stay active and alert for any
plan designed to accomplish the same thing bloody thing but in just a different manner, what ever
its other merits might be!

Page County Watch said...

I felt doubly duped by this action on Ms. Donato's part. First, the staged vote rescinsion and motion to bring back the ordinance. Followed by the phone call of apology, and then the fake attempt to "work" with us. I told her when she called that any working with us would be after the flood plain ordinance was dead. But when the document turned from a large citizens committeee like the original comprehensive plan, into a new plan to revive the flood plain ordinance under the control of the zoning subcommittee, it convinced me that there was no further point in engaging with these people.