Saturday, June 9, 2007

Directions to the Retreat

The Supervisors Retreat, which will be held on Thursday, June 14 beginning at 9 a.m. is an open public meeting. The purpose of the retreat is to review the Comprehensive Plan, which is the document with the four references to the flood plain ordinance. It is expected to be a meeting that runs from about 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (that's how long the room is reserved for)

The room the meeting is in is either called the Mountain Room or the Montana Room. Anyway, it's the room next to the Dining Room, so follow the signs to the Dining Room. Skyland Resort is on the Skyline Drive, so you have to pay a fee to get on the drive of $15. Try asking at the toll booth if you can skip the fee because you are going to this public meeting. The Resort is about 10 miles south of the Luray entrance to Skyline Drive (which is on Rte 211 between Luray and Sperryville) It takes about 40 minutes to get there from Luray.

See you there.



Kim said...

Quick note regarding the fee for Skyline Drive. If you are a senior (I don't recall the exact age to qualify), the fee is only $10 and is actually a lifetime pass. I don't think this information is posted so ask about it when purchasing a pass for the road.

Gee, I wonder if the BoS will validate (read: sarcasm). After all, "public meetings" are supposed to be free.

Perhaps everyone should send their receipts to Mr. Shanks?

Page County Watch said...

Come to think of it . . . do ask if you can get in free to attend the meeting, and do keep your receipt if you can't. The way I see it, we have been attending these meetings, and writing in our letters and speaking at public meetings, and all we've gotten from them is double talk and delay. This will be our first time of actually hearing them speak about this. We will definitely want a clear record of who is saying what on the Board.

The voters will want that. Both for this election and for the next one in 2009. Results of this meeting will be carefully documented, saved, and communicated over the next two years, so that the voters clearly know what their supervisors said and did in this critical meeting.

Anonymous said...

Today 6-13-06 I finally got a copy of the recommendations from the 12-19-06 .B.O.S. mtg, I was told for month's that there was no such recommendations, but low a behold here they are, and they are just as bad as Natalies version, again if there is any doubt as to there position on the flood plain ordinance, stop wondering as I have there documented views.

Page County Watch said...

Right. Feel free to post what you've got, Jim. A long time ago I got some scribbled hand written stuff that was completely meaningless and worthless, and it was alleged to be the "supervisors amendments". It was so foolish I never bothered to post it. It said things like, "take another look at page 34" or "add the word THE"

I dont' know if that's the same stuff you got or if they actually did have some amendments.

As I remember, the purpose of this retreat was because in the May 15 meeting, when we had 70+ people there, the Supervisors could not debate the Comprehensive Plan. They needed a Retreat, so they could consider it in full detail and mull it over. The exact quote by Tommy LaFrance was something like "this Board is up to the task of reviewing this". Lo and behold, the agenda comes out for the Retreat and they are planning to devote 1 1/2 hours to the Comprehensive Plan.

John Rust just announced that he was running again for Supervisor. He is quoted as saying that this Board would not prevent building in the flood fringe. Which is fine. That's what the current ordinance says. No building in the Floodway. That's FEMA law. What idiot would build in the path of the flowing river? But outside the path of the flowing river, that part of the flood plain is called the flood fringe. So one would think by what Mr. Rust says, he is agreeing that the existing plan is fine.

I hope you will be able to make it to the Retreat.
